Peter Lyons
Some notes about some of my more interesting projects are below. This is not an all-inclusive list, so feel free to look through my github account for other things I have built or contributed to.
Trello Hello
trello-hello (2023) is a small CLI utility written in Go to display my trello to do list in a compact format in the terminal.
mjournal (2013-2019) is a minimalist journaling web application. It has a simple data model with entries stored chronologically and full-text search and tags for organization. There are 2 visual themes. The stack is postgresql, express, and angularjs and it is deployed via docker.
White Glove
white-glove (2016) is a data integrity checking utility for MongoDB, CouchDB, and any set of JSON objects.
Linkzie (2011-2019) is a web-based bookmark management application. It differs from many others in that it gives you "one big wall of links" layed out in a grid that is optimized for spacially-oriented thinking/memory. It has a nice drag and drop UI and in-place editing. The stack is jQuery/JavaScript in the browser, Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL on the server.
Commander (2011-2018) is my python-based command interpreter for OS automation/utility. The README on github is extensive, so click through for details.
Help node or python projects bootstrap themselves. (2014-2015)
Express Code Structure
express_code_structure (2013) is a template project for a well-organized express.js application. Created in support of one of my most popular stackoverflow answers.
Plus Party
Plus Party (2014-2020) is a little app I wrote to help with quick and informal numeric subtotals when tax season comes around and because I couldn't find an existing calculator app that worked this way. It has been implemented thus far in AngularJS then ReactJS then Elm.
Flick Date Fixer
Flickr Date Fixer (2013) is a web application I built to fix incorrect dates on photos taken with my smartphone and uploaded to flickr. The app is built with
- node.js
- express.js
- passport.js for OAuth integration with Flickr
- coffee-script
- flickr's API (and the node-flickr wrapper module)
- backbone.js
- jQuery
More details on my blog post about it. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who ever used it, and I only deployed it to nodejitsu so more likley that not, the app is probably down at the moment. It's open source and available on github at focusaurus/flickr-date-fixer.
Othenticate (2011-2012) was an prototype I built for a SaaS product to provide account management (login, change password, etc) for web applications. It's been idle for a while after I concluded it was a bit too ambitious for a one-person lifestyle business type app. It's built on node, express, and mongodb.
Back in the summer of 2001 I wrote an ear training (musical pitch recognition) program in Java Swing.
This program will help you quickly learn to recognize and identify common musical structures including intervals, scales/modes, and chords.
You can download smartears.jar and launch the application by typing:
java -jar smartears.jar
Using SmartEars should be (I hope!) largely self-explanatory and easy.
Two quick tips:
- To turn off certain answers you are not intrested in (eg. unisons and octaves) right-click on their button (Command-click on OS X)
- To hear sounds played simultaneously (as a chord) instead of arpeggiated, click into the Settings Tab and set the Note Delay to 0
Note that as of July 2024 this program does still kind of work on modern java virtual machines but it's a little glitchy. Try changing the settings for note delay and note duration and it eventually still mostly works some 23 years later!
BigClock (2001) is a simple desktop clock utility that fills up the entire window with a clock, so you can get a clock of any size. It allows you to choose your own colors and time format. You can download bigclock.jar here and run it with the command java -jar bigclock.jar
using JRE 1.3 or newer.
Note that as of July 2024 this program still runs perfectly some 23 years later!