Peter Lyons

GraphQL Pagination and Sorting

April 15, 2020

Editor's Note

This article was originally written by Chris Potter and me when we worked at Reaction Commerce. It was published on April 15, 2020 on the Reaction Commerce Blog. Reaction Commerce was acquired by Mailchimp and the blog has disappeared, so I'm republishing here to keep the content available. I will need to reference it myself if I ever have to do graphql pagination again. To my knowledge, this is the most in-depth and technically detailed resource on the topic.

Another note is that OFFSET/LIMIT pagination MAY have severe performance problems due to full table scans to count the number of rows. So if your table has 100K rows or more you'll need to benchmark and may need an alternate implementation based on cursors.

When building client/server applications, data sets that are too large to reasonably transmit and process in a single request must be made manageable via pagination. All databases and APIs typically provide a mechanism for this. This tutorial will walk you through implementing GraphQL pagination with PostgreSQL, but first let's explain and review the concepts needed for SQL and pagination.

Conceptual Overview and Glossary

The following are common terms when describing GraphQL and SQL pagination. Some terms are taken from GraphQL pagination specifications and supported with GraphQL connections information from Facebook. For SQL terminology we'll use the Postgres definitions but they are relatively generic between SQL implementations.

Offset + limit pagination terms

This is a pagination method that starts from the first record of a sorted dataset and "pages" forward a number of offsets depending on the limit of records requested. If there are 20 records in the result, offset 1 with limit 5 will start from limit × offset + 1 or from the 6th record, since offsets are 0 based. The downside of offset pagination stems from the fact it always starts from the first record in a data set, meaning to get the last page in a result, the database query needs to create and scan past all pages before it. This becomes less efficient as your data size increases.

limit - a number that specifies the maximum records to be returned in a query. If there are not enough records to fill the limit, all records are returned.

offset - informs SQL how many rows to skip before returning the next set of records.

Cursor pagination terms

This pagination is based upon opaque identifiers which map to records within your data set. Cursors act as a bookmark to identify positions from which to start or end pagination. Cursors solve some efficiency problems because they will load only the data requested, starting or ending with the given opaque identifier.

cursor - a unique identifier for a record, generally an opaque value.

Note: A cursor is not a specific column in your database, but should be considered a function that serves to locate a particular position in a data set. In the most simple case your function might be cursor = field, but this should not be an universal expectation across cursor implementations

after - GraphQL argument indicating the unique identifier we want to start our page from and get all results after not including this identifier.

first - coupled with after, this is the number of records to return after the supplied cursor. If no cursor is supplied, then this will be the number of records to return from the start of the collection. Can also be used in GraphQL with an offset to implement traditional offset pagination where first represents limit.

before - Complement of after. Indicates the unique identifer we want to "end" our page with and get all results before, not including, the cursor.

last - coupled with before, this is the number of records to return before the supplied cursor. If no cursor is supplied, then this will be the number of records to return from the end of the collection.

PSA regarding cursor pagination

Specifications for cursor pagination assume a stable sort and direction on a unique field from the collection. Cursor pagination assumes that all data will be in the same direction and listed/sorted by the same value every time. This might be practical for timeline based live streams (a la Twitter or Facebook) where you can always sort by most recent timestamp, but at Reaction Commerce we deal with customizable product lists within categories, search parameters that need higher levels of merchandising and sorting (e.g. list products from lowest to highest price or alphebetically by name). Therefore we have introduced two new terms which let us specify list orders discretely but add higher orders of complexity:

sortBy: the pivot field from the database to sort the paginated results by.(e.g "name" "breed" "fur-color")

sortOrder: the order in which to send the returned results. Options are ASC or DESC.

Aside: our cursor pagination will always fallback to a stable sort on a unique field from the collection. This ensures that requested sortBy fields that match (everyone named "Jane Doe") will return the same way with subsequent requests.

Cursor pagination information (pageInfo)

For GraphQL pagination there is a data structure that is commonly returned relating to the position of the returned results, defined from Facebook's cursor connections specificaion (see further reading). This structure is as follows

"pageInfo": {
    "startCursor": "<opaque-cursor>",
    "endCursor": "<opaque-cursor>",
    "hasPreviousPage": boolean,
    "hasNextPage": boolean

startCursor and endCursor simply map to the first and last items in the collection of results returned from the query. No matter if the results match the limit requested, we always return a startCursor and endCursor.

Pages are tricky

Depending on the sort order of a collection, before and after will infer whether a returned collection hasPreviousPage or hasNextPage

Pictures for 1000 words

Here is our cursor pagination represented by a pictoral cat collection


In the context of the first image we would query for the second cat, and limit our selection to the next 5 cats after it. hasNextPage should return true since the second to last cat exists (the next cat after the returned collection). hasPreviousPage will also return true since there is a record before the after cursor (pink circle)

In the context of the second image we would query for the second to last cat, and limit our selection to the previous 5 cats before it. hasNextPage should return true since the last cat exists, since we exclude the queried record (green circle) from our paging information (we already know it exists). hasPreviousPage will also return true since the second cat exists (the cat before the returned collection).

Important note from the Facebook connection specifications which is demonstrated in the above images: the ordering of edges should be the same when using first/after as when using last/before, all other arguments being equal. It should not be reversed when using last/before

Lets get to it already

In this tutorial, we'll walk through implementing GraphQL-style pagination on top of a PostgreSQL relational database step by step. In this case the process of understanding the requirements, implementing them, and verifying they are working properly is a nice encapsulated example of the software development process and what kinds of work we as software engineers typically do.

A Simple Data Set

To give ourselves the best shot at implementing this quickly, and correctly, we'll create a simple synthetic data set that is small enough to quickly scan and also designed to surface sorting issues in an easy-to-spot way.

Here's some SQL to create our set of test records:

CREATE TABLE cats (id int PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL);

INSERT INTO cats (id, name) VALUES
  (1, 'esther'), (2, 'cookie'), (3, 'cookie'),
  (4, 'cookie'), (5, 'dave'), (6, 'bosco'),
  (7, 'frida'), (9, 'giggles'), (10, 'jasmine'),
  (11, 'jerry'), (12, 'alice'), (13, 'iggy');

We can see our data with a simple query

SELECT * FROM "cats";
 id |  name
  1 | esther
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
  6 | bosco
  7 | frida
  9 | giggles
 10 | jasmine
 11 | jerry
 12 | alice
 13 | iggy
(12 rows)

PostgreSQL is returning those results in the order they were inserted (at least so it seems), but to ensure consistent results, we should explicitly order by a unique column in our collection, in our case we'll use id.

 id |  name
  1 | esther
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
  6 | bosco
  7 | frida
  9 | giggles
 10 | jasmine
 11 | jerry
 12 | alice
 13 | iggy
(12 rows)

Also note we have some cats with the same name. This will help us ensure correct results for some trickier cases later on.

Case 1.1: just first

GraphQL pagination uses the inputs first or last to specify a reduced page size. Here's the most basic paginated query just asking for the first 3 results plus the pagination metadata fields.

GraphQL query

query {
  cats(first: 3) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

SQL Construction

Let's work through the fields in the graphql response and see how we can obtain the data we need via SQL.

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
  FROM "cats"
  LIMIT 4;

Aside: since this tutorial is focused on pagination, we'll always do SELECT * in our SQL. In a production application if a table had many columns, you would probably specifically select only the columns required by the graphql query.

SQL Results

id |  name  | total_count
  1 | esther |          12
  2 | cookie |          12
  3 | cookie |          12
  4 | cookie |          12
(4 rows)

GraphQL Response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "1",
          "node": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "esther"
          "cursor": "2",
          "node": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "cookie"
          "cursor": "3",
          "node": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "cookie"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "3",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": false,
        "startCursor": "1"
      "totalCount": 12

So we got 4 rows back from the database, but omitted cookie 4 from the graphql results and got our has*Page booleans correct.

Case 1.2: just last

To implement last isn't so easy though because SQL doesn't directly support this. LIMIT always implies a limit from the beginning of the results in SQL.
We need to take a different approach. We have a few options


query {
  cats(last: 3) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

SQL Option 1: Separate count query

-- First do a query to get the total row count
SELECT count(*) FROM "cats";
-- Compute the offset as total count minus limit
-- Then use that to send the right OFFSET
SELECT * FROM "cats" ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 3 OFFSET (12 - 3);
 id | name
 11 | jerry
 12 | alice
 13 | iggy

SQL Option 2: Double Reverse

The SQL LIMIT clause only works at the beginning of the result set, not the end. But if we reverse the direction, the beginning is then the end, right? So we can hack our way to the right results with

Here's how our graphql pagination metadata will be computed

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
  FROM "cats"
  LIMIT 4;
 id |  name   | total_count
 13 | iggy    |          12
 12 | alice   |          12
 11 | jerry   |          12
 10 | jasmine |          12
(4 rows)

That gives us the correct 3 rows (13, 12, 11), plus our hasPreviousPage row count peek row(10), but the rows are in the incorrect order, so in our application code, we'd need to:

; In clojure, if the sequence of database result rows is bound to "results"
; we'd do:
(reverse results)
// In javascript, if the database results was in the "results" array,
// we'd do

GraphQL Response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "11",
          "node": {
            "id": 11,
            "name": "jerry"
          "cursor": "12",
          "node": {
            "id": 12,
            "name": "alice"
          "cursor": "13",
          "node": {
            "id": 13,
            "name": "iggy"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "13",
        "hasNextPage": false,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "11"
      "totalCount": 12

Case 1.3: first + after: paging forward

OK back in the forward pagination direction via first, to get subsequent pages of the query, a graphql client will send the after parameter. The value of this is an opaque GraphQL cursor which was provided in the pageInfo.endCursor field of the response for the previous page. For clarity in this tutorial, we will return the raw ids of the first and last records returned. In production code, we follow Facebook's suggestion of lightly reinforcing the "opaque" nature of cursors by base64 encoding them.

GraphQL query

query {
  cats(first: 3, after: "3") {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

To make this work in SQL, we need to build a WHERE clause to skip the first bit of the result set by reference, as opposed to trying to use OFFSET.

Let's work through the fields in the graphql response and see how we can obtain the data we need via SQL.

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats" WHERE "id" < 3) AS "has_previous_page",
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
  FROM "cats"
  WHERE "id" > 3
  LIMIT 4;

SQL results

id |  name  | has_previous_page | total_count
  4 | cookie |                 2 |          12
  5 | dave   |                 2 |          12
  6 | bosco  |                 2 |          12
  7 | frida  |                 2 |          12
(4 rows)

GraphQL response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "4",
          "node": {
            "id": 4,
            "name": "cookie"
          "cursor": "5",
          "node": {
            "id": 5,
            "name": "dave"
          "cursor": "6",
          "node": {
            "id": 6,
            "name": "bosco"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "6",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "4"
      "totalCount": 12

Case 1.4: last + before: paging backward

Lets remember our collection in ascending id order:


 id |  name
  1 | esther
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
  6 | bosco
  7 | frida
  9 | giggles
 10 | jasmine
 11 | jerry
 12 | alice
 13 | iggy
(12 rows)

For paging backward from the end, clients send last and before using the value from startCursor in the previous query.

query {
  cats(last: 3, before: "13") {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

To implement this, we flip our WHERE operator to be less than (<), flip our direction to be DESC and then again reverse in the application code.

  (SELECT count(*) FROM "cats" WHERE "id" > 13) as has_next_page,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
  FROM "cats"
  WHERE "id" < 13
  LIMIT 4;

Notes on the SQL statement and how our graphql pagination metadata will be computed

SQL Result

 id |  name   | has_next_page | total_count
 12 | alice   |             0 |          12
 11 | jerry   |             0 |          12
 10 | jasmine |             0 |          12
  9 | giggles |             0 |          12
(4 rows)

GraphQL response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "10",
          "node": {
            "id": 10,
            "name": "jasmine"
          "cursor": "11",
          "node": {
            "id": 11,
            "name": "jerry"
          "cursor": "12",
          "node": {
            "id": 12,
            "name": "alice"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "12",
        "hasNextPage": false,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "10"
      "totalCount": 12

Part 2: Handling client-specified order

Case 2.1: first + sortBy

When your GraphQL clients need to specify the order of results, we have extra complexity to manage.

query {
  cats(first: 3, sortBy: "name", sortOrder: ascending) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

Here we need to map the GraphQL parameters to our ORDER BY clause which is straightforward.

 12 | alice
  6 | bosco
  3 | cookie

We can see our results are in the correct order. However, we do have 3 cats named cookie. We happened to get cookie 3 in this result, but that's not guaranteed to always be the case. To ensure consistent results, we should add a secondary sort.

SELECT * FROM "cats" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC LIMIT 3;
 id |  name
 12 | alice
  6 | bosco
  2 | cookie

Here we'll always get cookie 2 in this page (assuming an unchanged data set).

Paging forward with ordering

Lets remember our collection in name order by both name and id for consistency.

SELECT * FROM "cats" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC;
id |  name
 12 | alice
  6 | bosco
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
  1 | esther
  7 | frida
  9 | giggles
 13 | iggy
 10 | jasmine
 11 | jerry
(12 rows)

When it comes time to query the second page of these results, we need a way to express "when sorted by name ascending, I need the results that come after X" where X is the endCursor from the first page. One way to do this is to make an extra query by the id from the cursor to get that cat's name, and use that in our WHERE clause.

query {
  cats(first: 3, after: "2", sortBy: "name", sortOrder: ascending) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {
SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2;
-- Now we know that cat 2 is named cookie

SELECT * FROM "cats"
  WHERE "name" >= 'cookie'
  AND "id" != 2
  ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC LIMIT 3;
id |  name
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave

We need to make sure cookie 2 doesn't appear in both page 1 and page 2 of results so we explicitly filter her out by id in our WHERE clause.

SQL is capable of combining these 2 queries, so we take advantage of that with a subselect.

SELECT * FROM "cats"
  WHERE "name" >= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
  AND "id" != 2
  ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC LIMIT 3;
id |  name
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
(3 rows)

Here's how our graphql pagination metadata will be computed with our added complexity:

 AND "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
     WHERE "name" = (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
     AND "id" > 2))

for a final query that looks like:

  (SELECT * FROM "cats"
    WHERE "name" <= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
    AND "id" != 2
    AND "id" NOT IN
      (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
        WHERE "name" =
          (SELECT "name" FROM "cats"
             WHERE "id" = 2)
        AND "id" > 2));
id | name
 6 | bosco
12 | alice
(2 rows)

we will return COUNT(*) and set this as has_previous_page

Final Query

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats"
    WHERE "name" <= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
    AND "id" != 2
    AND "id" NOT IN
      (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
        WHERE "name" = (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
        AND "id" > 2))
    AS has_previous_page,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
FROM "cats"
WHERE "name" >= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 2)
AND "id" != 2
ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC LIMIT 4;

SQL Results

 id |  name  | has_previous_page | total_count
  3 | cookie |                 2 |          12
  4 | cookie |                 2 |          12
  5 | dave   |                 2 |          12
  1 | esther |                 2 |          12
(4 rows)

GraphQL Response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "3",
          "node": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "cookie"
          "cursor": "4",
          "node": {
            "id": 4,
            "name": "cookie"
          "cursor": "5",
          "node": {
            "id": 5,
            "name": "dave"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "12",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "10"
      "totalCount": "12"

Case 2.2: Paging backward with ordering: last and before

Once again a reminder:

SELECT * FROM "cats" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC;
id |  name
 12 | alice
  6 | bosco
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  5 | dave
  1 | esther
  7 | frida
  9 | giggles
 13 | iggy
 10 | jasmine
 11 | jerry
(12 rows)

To implement paging backward from the end, consider these graphql inputs:

query {
  cats(last: 3, before: "13", sortBy: "name", sortOrder: ascending) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

For this we need to query for the name corresponding to our reference id, flip the direction, and reverse in application code again.

SELECT * FROM "cats"
  WHERE "name" <= (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
  AND "id" != 13
 id |  name
  9 | giggles
  7 | frida
  1 | esther

We reverse that result in application code and we have the correct results.

Here's how our graphql pagination metadata will be computed with our added complexity:

SELECT * FROM "cats"
  WHERE "name" >= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
  AND "id" != 13
  AND "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
      WHERE "name" = (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
      AND "id" < 13)

Final Query

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats"
    WHERE "name" >= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
    AND "id" != 13
    AND "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
      WHERE "name" = (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
      AND "id" < 13))
    AS has_next_page,
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count"
FROM "cats"
WHERE "name" <= (SELECT name FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 13)
AND "id" != 13
ORDER BY "name" DESC, "id" DESC LIMIT 4;

SQL Result

 id |  name   | has_next_page | total_count
  9 | giggles |             2 |          12
  7 | frida   |             2 |          12
  1 | esther  |             2 |          12
  5 | dave    |             2 |          12
(4 rows)

GraphQL Result

Reminder: results in edges are reversed from SQL Result

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "1",
          "node": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "ester"
          "cursor": "7",
          "node": {
            "id": 7,
            "name": "frida"
          "cursor": "9",
          "node": {
            "id": 9,
            "name": "giggles"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "9",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "1"
      "totalCount": "12"

Case 2.3 A final example to work through

Let's work through this final challenging example

query {
  cats(last: 7, before: "3", sortBy: "name", sortOrder: descending) {
    edges {
      node {
    pageInfo {

As a reminder, let's look at our data set sorted by name descending.

SELECT * FROM "cats" ORDER BY "name" DESC, "id" ASC;
id |  name
 11 | jerry
 10 | jasmine
 13 | iggy
  9 | giggles
  7 | frida
  1 | esther
  5 | dave
  2 | cookie
  3 | cookie
  4 | cookie
  6 | bosco
 12 | alice

Now let's understand the graphql pagination request

So the correct result set looks like this

10 | jasmine
13 | iggy
 9 | giggles
 7 | frida
 1 | esther
 5 | dave
 2 | cookie

When building our SQL we need:

SQL Query Option 1

  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count",
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats" WHERE "name" <
    (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 3)) AS "has_previous_page"
  FROM "cats" WHERE
  "name" >= (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 3)
  AND "id" != 3
  AND "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
       WHERE "name" = (SELECT "name" FROM "cats" WHERE "id" = 3)
       AND "id" > 3)
  ORDER BY "name" ASC, "id" ASC
  LIMIT 8;

SQL Results

id |  name   | total_count | has_previous_page
  2 | cookie  |          12 |                 2
  5 | dave    |          12 |                 2
  1 | esther  |          12 |                 2
  7 | frida   |          12 |                 2
  9 | giggles |          12 |                 2
 13 | iggy    |          12 |                 2
 10 | jasmine |          12 |                 2
 11 | jerry   |          12 |                 2
(8 rows)

We can see the above full query repeats the subquery to find cat 3's name twice. As an optional optimization, we could run this once and store the result in a temporary table. Perhaps the query planner is already smart enough to do that optimization automatically though, so it'd be best to let benchmarks guide this choice.

SQL Query Option 2

SELECT name AS pivot_name INTO pivot_cat FROM "cats" WHERE id = 3;
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats") AS "total_count",
  (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "cats" WHERE "name" < pivot_name)
  AS "has_previous_page"
  FROM "cats", pivot_cat WHERE
  name >= pivot_name
  AND "id" != 3
  AND "id" NOT IN (SELECT "id" FROM "cats"
                   WHERE "name" = pivot_name
                   AND "id" > 3)
  ORDER BY name ASC, "id" ASC
  LIMIT 8;

We get the same results as with option 1.

id |  name   | pivot_name | total_count | has_previous_page
  2 | cookie  | cookie     |          12 |                 2
  5 | dave    | cookie     |          12 |                 2
  1 | esther  | cookie     |          12 |                 2
  7 | frida   | cookie     |          12 |                 2
  9 | giggles | cookie     |          12 |                 2
 13 | iggy    | cookie     |          12 |                 2
 10 | jasmine | cookie     |          12 |                 2
 11 | jerry   | cookie     |          12 |                 2
(8 rows)

GraphQL response

  "data": {
    "cats": {
      "edges": [
          "cursor": "10",
          "node": {
            "id": 10,
            "name": "jasmine"
          "cursor": "13",
          "node": {
            "id": 13,
            "name": "iggy"
          "cursor": "9",
          "node": {
            "id": 9,
            "name": "giggles"
          "cursor": "7",
          "node": {
            "id": 7,
            "name": "frida"
          "cursor": "1",
          "node": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "esther"
          "cursor": "5",
          "node": {
            "id": 5,
            "name": "dave"
          "cursor": "2",
          "node": {
            "id": 2,
            "name": "cookie"
      "pageInfo": {
        "endCursor": "2",
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "hasPreviousPage": true,
        "startCursor": "10"
      "totalCount": "12"

Real Talk Time in writing this article we found bugs in 2 separate implementations of graphql pagination in reaction projects. This stuff is tricky!

Metatopic: The Process of Software Development

This blog post walks step-by-step through a process of implementing specified behavior. It takes a methodical and use-case driven approach. There are other approaches as well including test-driven development, adversarial (pitting QA against development), more academically rigorous methodologies, etc, but this is a pragmatic approach. Test data was carefully selected to make correctness and incorrectness easier to spot at a glance. Key in the data set was including the particular edge cases that expose bugs in initial attempts at implementation.

Further Reading