New Work Journal System
January 15, 2019
I've updated my journaling tooling for my work journal. Here's how I do it.
Writing Journal Entries
First, a script computes the path to the specific journal (one per job/company) I'm using.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Strict mode boilerplate omitted for the blog, but is really there
year=$(date +%Y)
month=$(date +%m)
day=$(date +%d)
exec ~/bin/ "${journal_path}"
- The directory structure makes it easy to open a text editor in the directory for the current month and browse recent days
- easy to restrict searches with
to certain time periods
There's a script
that looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Strict mode boilerplate omitted for the blog, but is really there
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/.."
main() {
local journal_path=$1
local entry
if [[ -z "${entry}" ]]; then
entry=$(~/bin/ "Entry")
mkdir -p "$(dirname "${journal_path}")"
local ts
ts=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)
cat <<EOF >>"${journal_path}"
# ${ts}
- ${entry}
main "$@"
- That takes the path to the journal file as an argument
- It will prompt for the entry content, or if left empty, take the content from the system clipboard
- I use this to copy code snippets, log entries, etc into my journal
- Then it just appends them with a markdown header for the timestamp and the content
- 1-liner content is a markdown list, but there's so much random syntax pasted into my journals that hoping to have them render properly as markdown is a bit silly
read -r -p "$1 (ENTER for clipboard): " query
if [[ -z "${query}" ]]; then
query=$(xclip -clipboard -o)
echo "${query}"
Searching the Journal
I use this shell alias
search-work-journal() {
rg "$*" ~/work/journal | less
Reading the full journal
read-work-journal() {
fd --type f . ~/work/journal | xargs cat | less