rust converting bytes chars and strings
December 16, 2017
I found converting from many representations of essentially the same data really inconsistent and hard to memorize in rust. I was doing a lot of work that frequently switched between text and binary and couldn't find a good quick reference cheat sheet, so I sat down to pair with Jared McDonald at Recurse Center and code one up.
Whether you've got some bytes, chars, Strings, strs, arrays, or vecs, we'll get you from A to B!
use std::str;
fn main() {
// This is "hello world" as an array of bytes.
// You can also start from a byte string b"hello world" and debug print that to get the
// utf8 encoded decimal values
println!("hello byte string: {:?}", b"hello world");
// OK so let's say you have an array of u8s
let array_of_u8 = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100];
// [u8] to String (lossy)
// Any invalid bytes that are not utf8 will be replaced with
// the unicode replacement character '\u{FFFD}'
// You get a Cow (Clone on Write) not exactly a String
let string_utf8_lossy = String::from_utf8_lossy(&array_of_u8);
println!("string_utf8_lossy: {}", string_utf8_lossy);
// [u8] to String (result)
// The non-lossy version needs a vec not an array
let mut vec_of_u8 = vec![];
let string_utf8_result = String::from_utf8(vec_of_u8).unwrap();
println!("string_utf8_result: {}", string_utf8_result);
// [u8] to str (result)
let str_utf8_result = str::from_utf8(&array_of_u8).unwrap();
println!("str_utf8_result: {}", str_utf8_result);
// [u8] to str (lossy)
// There is no str::from_utf8_lossy. Have to use String::from_utf8_lossy
// [u8] to Vec<char>
let vec_of_chars: Vec<char> = array_of_u8.iter().map(|byte| *byte as char).collect();
println!("vec_of_chars: {:?}", vec_of_chars);
// Vec<char> to Vec<u8>
let vec_of_u8s: Vec<u8> = vec_of_chars.iter().map(|c| *c as u8).collect();
println!("vec_of_u8s: {:?}", vec_of_u8s);
// Vec<char> to String
let mut string_of_collected_chars: String = vec_of_chars.iter().collect();
println!("string_of_collected_chars: {}", string_of_collected_chars);
// Now we have a mutable String. We can push chars
// and we can push a str
// String to str
let str_slice = &string_of_collected_chars[..5];
println!("str_slice: {}", &str_slice);
// String to [u8]
let array_of_u8_from_string = string_of_collected_chars.as_bytes();
println!("array_of_u8_from_string: {:?}", array_of_u8_from_string);
// String to Vec<char>
let vec_of_chars_to_string: Vec<char> = string_of_collected_chars.chars().collect();
println!("vec_of_chars: {:?}", vec_of_chars_to_string);
// String from several Strings
let concat_strings = vec!["abc".to_string(), "def".to_string()].concat();
println!("concat_strings: {}", concat_strings);
let joined_strings = vec!["abc".to_string(), "def".to_string()].join("---");
println!("joined_strings: {}", joined_strings);