Quick Tips for Setting Up TLS
October 17, 2013
Here's a few quick links that I found really helpful setting up an nginx web site to use a TLS certificate.
- Server Side TLS on the Mozilla wiki
- Qualys SSL Labs SSL Deployment Best Practices
- Qualys's SSL Server Test. If you follow the Mozilla guidelines, you should score an "A" on this test.
- nginx library has a few useful sample nginx configuration files. It's stale and only has a few posts, but it was a nice idea in theory if not in execution.
Some commands for reference:
- generate a new 2048-bit RSA private key, named with hostname and year
- Adding the year will make replacing the certificate when it expires an easy symlink swap operation and avoid confusion. Install the new files then swap the symlinks when ready
openssl genrsa -out example.com-2013.key 2048
- lock down its filesystem permissions
chown root:root example.com-2013.key
chmod 400 example.com-2013.key
- symlink it for convenience
ln -nsf example.com-2013.key example.com.key
- Create a certificate signing request
openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -key example.com.key -out example.com-2013.csr
- paste that into NameCheap or whichever vendor you prefer to have them sign it
- when the certificate arrives, unzip it and concatenate it as follows
cat example_com.crt PositiveSSLCA2.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > example.com-2013.bundle.crt
- symlink that for convenience
ln -nsf example.com-2013.bundle.crt example.com.crt
- generate a dhparam file
openssl dhparam -out example.com-2013.dhparam.pem 2048
ln -nsf example.com-2013.dhparam.pem example.com.dhparam.pem
For express.js, make sure your session middleware has proxy: true, secure: true, httpOnly: true
options set.